Our Team

Our Team

Paravis Partners is an accomplished team of business professionals with a unique blend of business acumen and leadership development expertise. Our relentless commitment to helping clients achieve positive change is ultimately what binds us together as a team.

Our team of diverse coaches were brought together based on each person’s unique alchemy of education, experience, and expertise. Client organizations appreciate the rich set of choices they can provide their leaders and our philosophy of providing each leader choice in the coaching selection process. 

Muriel Maignan Wilkins
Founder & CEO

Nayla Bahri
Consulting Partner
Terri Conti
Consulting Partner
Winnie da Silva
Consulting Partner
Amy Gleklen
Consulting Partner
Steve Leichtman
Consulting Partner
Clarence Norment
Consulting Partner
Kathrin O’Sullivan
Consulting Partner
Erin Parker
Consulting Partner
Meredith Persily
Consulting Partner
Amber Romine
Consulting Partner
John Sanchez
Consulting Partner
Renuka Singh
Consulting Partner
Jeanie Fay-Snow
Consulting Partner
Claire Thomas
Consulting Partner
Emily Sopha
Director of Operations