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So far Paravis has created 24 blog entries.

How To Say The Right Thing (when you feel you can’t ever say the right thing anymore)

2023-08-09T14:08:31-04:00February 9, 2023|Muriel Wilkins, Newsletter, Paravis Partners|

“I feel like I can’t ever say the right thing anymore.” Sound familiar? As organizations increasingly focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, this is a topic that more of our executive coaching clients are bringing up in coaching conversations than ever before. In this issue of Muriel’s Coaching Real Leaders newsletter, she shares her experience coaching clients when this issue does come up for them and they turn to her for a solution.

How To Actually Achieve Your Goals (rather than just set them & forget them)

2023-08-09T14:10:42-04:00January 9, 2023|Muriel Wilkins, News, Newsletter, Our News, Our News: Article, Paravis Partners|

If you’re like most of my clients, you entered the new year with some goals. There’s so much out there about how to set goals. To be honest, for most people I know (including myself), the problem is not in setting goals. It’s in achieving them once they’re set. As Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry aptly shared “A dream without plan is just a wish.” You see –the real juice in goals is in the execution. And that’s where most fall short. Now, as an executive coach, this is my bread and butter. If I can help my clients figure out what they want (the goal), then I can help them get there (the follow through). So, I want to share with you some tips to help you in your follow through and achieve the goals you’ve set out for yourself for 2023.

How To Receive End-of-Year Feedback (even if you’re not looking forward to it)

2023-08-09T14:13:41-04:00December 7, 2022|Muriel Wilkins, News, Newsletter, Our News, Our News: Article, Paravis Partners|

So here we are at the end of the year and what’s most top of mind for a lot of my coaching clients is, wait for it
. performance reviews! Participating in this annual feedback ritual (which IMHO needs to be totally revamped but that’s a post for another time) can be quite stressful for many especially if you are on the receiving end. To that end, I want to share some suggestions on how you can approach receiving feedback with a little more ease. There are four steps I offer my clients when they are on edge going into their performance reviews.

How To Show Gratitude At Work (even when you don’t feel like it)

2023-08-09T14:15:17-04:00November 22, 2022|Muriel Wilkins, News, Newsletter, Our News, Our News: Article, Paravis Partners|

Allow me to get a little personal here. At the risk of sounding curmudgeonly, I have serious issues with the upcoming American holiday that’s called “Thanksgiving” (Áine Cain and Joey Hadden do a great job explaining why in this Insider article: https://www.insider.com/history-of-thanksgiving-2017-11). Nevertheless, in a few days, I’ll take my kids to visit with my extended family as they enjoy the day of feasting and fellowshipping. And while I’m typically a grateful person (just not on this particular day), it got me thinking — how do we give thanks when we reallydon’t feel like it? Not just at celebrations where the whole point is to give thanks but in everyday moments especially at work.

Navigating a Career Turning Point | Featuring Muriel Wilkins

2023-05-19T14:02:59-04:00July 14, 2022|Muriel Wilkins, News, Our News, Our News: Audio, Paravis on HBR, Paravis Partners|

When you’re at an inflection point in your career, how do you assess and understand what you’re looking for? How can you leverage your strengths? What’s the best way to plot your next move? This 30-minute conversation between HBR editor Amy Gallo and executive coach Muriel Wilkins will provide you with practical tips on what to do when you’re ready for a career change.

How to ask good questions (and avoid giving all the answers)

2023-08-09T14:19:00-04:00July 5, 2022|Muriel Wilkins, Paravis Partners|

As a coach, I often get asked whether my job is to just ask questions or to give answers. Truth be told, whether you are an executive coach or a leader coaching your team members, it’s important to be able to do both and know when is the right time to be asking vs. answering.

The Power of Metaphors (and why I use them)

2023-08-09T14:20:19-04:00May 24, 2022|Muriel Wilkins, Paravis Partners|

If you’ve caught any of my Coaching Real Leaders episodes, you may have noticed—I love to use metaphors when I coach. (If you haven’t listened yet, what are you waiting for? 🙂 The specifics of the metaphors are less important than why I use them.

How to Master Your Executive Presence with Muriel Wilkins

2022-01-31T11:33:44-05:00December 2, 2021|Muriel Wilkins, Our News, Our News: Audio, Paravis Partners|

On this episode of the How to be Awesome at Your Job podcast, Muriel Wilkins dispels myths surrounding executive presence and shows you how you can develop your own, no matter what your role is. You’ll Learn: What executive presence really means; The two muscles you need to train for executive presence; and the key factors that affect your confidence.

Becoming a Leader When Everything Is Shifting

2022-01-31T11:42:39-05:00November 22, 2021|Amy Jen Su, Muriel Wilkins, Our News, Our News: Audio, Paravis on HBR, Paravis Partners|

Once you’ve committed to a leadership role — formally and officially or simply in your mind and heart — getting everyone else at work to buy in requires relationship management. How do you successfully shift the role you’re playing on your team? What sorts of conversations help clear the way? Which steps shouldn’t you skip? Is this transformation harder to make over Zoom? In this episode of the Women at Work podcast, Amy Jen Su and Muriel Wilkins share an update on how their advice applies in the context of remote and hybrid work.

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