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Our News

804, 2016

Signs That You’re a Micromanager

April 8, 2016|

Absolutely no one likes to be micromanaged. It’s frustrating, demoralizing, and demotivating. Yet, some managers can’t seem to help themselves. Dealing with a controlling boss who doesn’t trust you is tough, but what if you’re the one doing the micromanaging? If you’re like most micromanagers, you probably don’t even know that you’re doing it.     READ ARTICLE

804, 2016

Signs That You Lack Emotional Intelligence

April 8, 2016|

In my ten years as an executive coach, I have never had someone raise his hand and declare that he needs to work on his emotional intelligence. Yet I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard from people that the one thing their colleague needs to work on is emotional intelligence. This is the problem: those who most need to develop it are the ones who least realize it. The data showing that emotional intelligence is a key differentiator between star performers and the rest of the pack is irrefutable. Nevertheless, there are some who never embrace the skill for themselves — or who wait until it’s too late.     READ ARTICLE

804, 2016

Is Your Employee Coachable?

April 8, 2016|

As a manager, you provide some level of coaching to all your direct reports, helping some attain higher levels of professional achievement, and helping others improve their performance to fulfill their current roles. But while every manager should have the capability to coach, you also need to have the ability to discern when coaching isn’t working.     READ ARTICLE

804, 2016

Why Executives Should Talk About Racial Bias at Work

April 8, 2016|

For the past several months, it seemed that everywhere I turned people were talking about events in Ferguson, Staten Island, and North Charleston — in living rooms, classrooms, anchor rooms — everywhere but in most corporate conference rooms. In fact, I have not heard one corporate leader make the link between what happened in these places and what goes on inside their organizations. But there is a connection. After all, it’s not like the racial bias that underlies these social events doesn’t exist inside corporate walls. It does and executives shouldn’t be silent about it.     READ ARTICLE

804, 2016

Signs That You’re Being Too Stubborn

April 8, 2016|

They’re hardheaded. They dig their heels in. You know the type — people who are way too stubborn for their own good. While it’s easy to point the finger at others who exhibit this behavior, it can be hard to recognize this trait in yourself. Are you being too inflexible? Find out the signs in this article by Muriel Wilkins.      READ ARTICLE

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