Our executive assessment and diagnostic services aim to increase awareness and understanding of what’s necessary for greater success in current or future roles. Our team uses qualitative interviews and high-impact assessment instruments for individual leaders, teams, or groups.
Qualitative Leadership Assessments
Intent and impact are two different things. Perception becomes reality. As leaders become more senior, it’s difficult to get honest and candid feedback. Paravis Partners gathers critical feedback and synthesizes it into a composite of the leader offering a rich and holistic view of the leader’s strengths, contributions, and areas to scale effectiveness. We are sensitive to the organizational dynamics: working closely with the organization and leader to ensure that interviews are conducted at an appropriate time, with a representative set of key colleagues, and done in a confidential and appropriate manner. The qualitative assessment is a great starting point for an executive coaching program.
Quantitative 360 Instruments
Survey-based 360 instruments allow for efficiency in both time and investment. Many are used at the start of cohort based leadership development programs. Our team is certified across a variety of instruments such as the Lominger Voices 360that offers feedback against critical leadership competencies or the Leadership Circle Profile which goes beyond competencies and offers insight into the underlying assumptions that may be driving a leader’s behavior, respectively.
Preference & Style Assessments
To supplement executive coaching and leadership development programs, our team is also well versed in a variety of leadership assessments such as Myers Briggs, Hogan, Firo-B, or Insights which offer valuable insights with regards to a leader’s preferences, style, and tendencies. Assessments are a great way to increase a leader’s awareness of self and others.
Assessments are especially impactful at the start of an executive coaching program or leadership development program to lay the ground work for raising awareness. The feedback and data gleaned can strengthen a leader’s understanding of his or her authentic strengths and when to make strategic adaptations given the situational needs of the leadership role.